
Mirror, Mirror on the Wall

I wanna sleep and wake up to this

A whole new renovated spacious bedroom, all mirrored furniture with big wide windows so I could feel the sun rays on my skin when it first rise in the morning.
I have actually went looking for these pieces of furniture in Bahrain and found few of them, not exact same but similar enough but I am still waiting on moving to new house so I could have my dream-bedroom :') hopefully soon enough!

I have been wanting to post a lot of things, and I don't say this as an excuse, but most times I end up leaving them as drafts or getting caught up with other things. Last two weeks (and this one) has been hectic with final examinations and last minute assignments, crazy university stuff!
I will get through it all, insha'allah :)
So this is it for the meantime, off I go and wish me luck lovelies!



  1. Amazing bedroom.. Love it! I've seen something similar in a furniture shop in Dubai..
    anyways good luck sweetie
